Congratulations to Drs. André Palóczy and Kristin Zeiden for completion of their PhDs.
In September of 2020, André Palóczy defended his thesis on the turbulence and cross-slope transport off Antarctica and California. Dr. Palóczy, co-advised by Jen MacKinnon, Sarah Gille and Julie McLean, combined modelling and field approaches in order to answer these compelling and complicated dynamics. This included being Chief Scientist on the R/V Sproul during the 2017 Inner Shelf DRI.
In February of 2021, Kristin Zeiden, co-advised by Jen MacKinnon and Dan Rudnick, completed her thesis on the broadband, multi-scale vorticity wake generated by flow past Palau. Dr. Zeiden used a combination of glider, mooring and drifter data to explore how small-medium scale eddies shed from the tip of Palau, by a combination of mean and tidal flow, combine and conspire to create a large-scale island wake.
We wish both André and Kristin the best of luck starting their new positions — André as postdoc in Norway in 2021 with Joe La Casce and Kristin as a postdoc at UW/APL with Jim Thomson. We will miss them!
Drs. Kristin Zeiden and Andre Paloczy charting their bright futures.